Is shoplifting any differnet to any other kind of theft? I believe that shoplifting is the same as any other kind of theft, but only when it dosent involve forceful physical measures, inflicted on another person; in approach to gaining someone elses property. However the value of shoplifting items is not that great compared to other thefts. You are restricted to how much you can gain from one shop, as it takes place in opening hours. Why do people who can afford to by things shoplift them instead? I feel that those who can afford to buy the things that they shoplift do so, due to being presented with a window of opportunity. “Why pay for a product, when a chance to take something, without paying is likely to weigh in your favour”. The action of theft can only be carried out, due to the neglection of the shops actions to prevent such opportunity. Theft is a wrongful act which is expressed in law, but the opportunity of theft should be adressed, to prevent such act in the first instance. In order to tackle this, it has to been done barring in mind both the responsibility of the shop, and those that choose to shoplift. I have never shoplifted, personally because I like the feeling, that my own money bought the clothes on my back. However some of my friends have shoplifted purely because they new they could get away with it.
I agree with the point you are making, however I also believe that those that do shoplift do so due to more than a window of oppertunity. Many of those that turn to Shoplifting do so due to living in a state of 'relative poverty,' and therefore not being able to participate in society as others do. There is also the psychological aspect i.e. being able to get a rush from theft or oppiesing peer groups. Although I didnt mention some of these things in my blog, when looking at theft more in depth there are many aspects that can't be simply put down a 'window of oppertunity.
I understand were your coming from, but lets be honest. Economic factors are not necessarly to blame for ones conduct. People of all class steal. If your were specificly talking in relation to amouts or frequent conduct then maybe youd have a stance. You have raised a good point about the psychological aspect; thanks for bringing this to my attention of which I failed to consider. There are loads of factos Adonis, but we would be here for days if we were to explore them. Im just saying, that the oppertunity allows for its conduct to forfill there motive. Yes I agree that The factors behind there acts do vary. For someone who has theft before; for what ever reason, you knew there was an opportunity for you to conduct your actions.Im sure of that?
Take careXXX
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