The history of masturbation goes back along way; along with the myths that protrays a negative consequence, to those who take part in such an act. However times have changed in regards to the useage of its term, conduct, means and view's. It is now accepted to be known to be pleasurable. Masturbation today isnt just an individual act, as those in a relationship do so together for various reasons. I feel masturbation is still a topic many wouldnt like to discuss, as it is a personal exsperience that dosent need to be shared. However masturbation is becoming very common; but whether one would class it as so, raises question. I do feel that masturbation should be conducted within the presence of your own home; bearing in mine ones hygien. Masturbation does have its own health risks as well as benefits. The obsesive use of masturbating, to me implies psycological problems. I feel masturbation is down to personal prefrence, its not wrong, but others may view it as morally wrong; such as those who are religious. Although I suppose ones view may be varied on this topic, depending on the way one wished to masturbate(how). Societies acceptance of this occuring activity, may be the reason many now masturbate, without feeling guilty or abnormal.
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