Smoking is nothing more than a very nasty habbit, and those who smoke need to address this. I find it very hard to understand the motive behind it, when one knows the concequences are much greater than the benefits. But who am I to judge, I have not smoked before nor will I in the future. Im glad the ban has been introduced, as I wave in favour of there concerns; why should people like me inhale the smoke of those who don’t care about there own health. Smoking is an option and those that don’t smoke didn’t choose to. Inhaling smoke from those that do, might as well give us a cigarett so we can join them. I feel that smoker’s first exsperience is steamed from factors such as: social peers, reblious and interest. There are different categories of tobacco smokers, but my concerns lie with those that regularyly smoke; one needs a wake up call in regards to the effect its having on there body’s. I hope the whole notion of smoking being seen as “cool or stylish” dies out.
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