I feel alcohol abuse is the biggest problem in britain, that needs tackling before its too late. The traditional pint, has been over exercised into a frequent must have habbit. As the older generation continue to indulge in this habbit, teenagers are exsperimenting with Alcohol at a young age. But whos to blame? Ones only got to pass a pub, bar or lounge to observe the number of drinkers; no dout there behaviour would allert you of there presence. It seems that in this day-en age special celebration such as parties or get togethers, has to involve the distribution of alcohol, to assist the occation. Im what you call a very occasional drinker, i know my limits. What drives people to drink is a varied factor, but I feel first hand exsperience is often done within a crowd and conducted out of interest and a means of experimenting. Like smoking, its now seen as a good social factor. Alcohol is another health risk, when used excessivly. Is the bottom of the glass or bottle, that exciting..
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