If its one thing I cannot stand, its bad manners. I find it very rude, when one chooses not to treat people with respect. I believe those that have good manners and choose to exercise this, are the ones whose parents taught and reinforced them to be manners able. If one doesn’t knows how to use manners towards other people, then how can we have an expectation? Such learning I believe should starts within the home, with parents setting the example, to which one should follow. The recent proposal to introduce manners as a core taught subject in school, I feel is needed. I think it’s important that we use manners and are able to respond appropriately. In my view the term manners, means the same as respect, consideratation and acting in a sensable manner. However others may view manners as a means of pleasing other people. But I think it’s fair to say, that manner’s gets you far in life. “Treat people the way you would like to be treated and in turn you will get the same treatment back”. Wouldn’t you be happy, knowing that your mannerisms have pleased other people too?
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