Gun crime is becoming very frequent within are society, which is often reflected in the media. The nature of gun crime in itself is bad, no matter what the motive or reason for doing so. I dont think it can be justifided or corrected once conducted. Gun crime is becoming very common amongsts youths, but what influences them is another question? I believe it is due to the influences such as: videos, computure games, music, peer presure and life style. I find it hard to believe that one would set out with the intention, of ending another persons life. I know sometimes it is acceptable to take the law into your own hards, in order to address an occuring problem; but to kill someone is going too far. In order for gun crime to stop, I believe the government need to get more actively involved. If they put place measures to stop the distrubution on guns getting to the streets, than maybe we would witness a fall.
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