Age? 19
Sex? Female
What is your degree subject (both if joint)? Social welfare law and social policy
Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking? yes
If so, how? And if not, why not? Social policy is centred aroud notifying trends in society, in order to adress social needs and put in place a welfare that works in adressing this, which is reflected in policy. "being bad", helped to identify these trend, within modern society and consider solutions.
Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level? Appropriate level
Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate?Yes appropite in realtion to society
Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included? Sexuality (gays, lesbians)
Do you think that the format for classes has worked well? Very well
What did you think of the module team? Very helpful, commited and passionate which was reflected in the delivery of there lecture.
Do you think it would have been better to have had more:
Small group discussions? Yes
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole? No, too big a class for that; and not everyone would be heard.
Information and talk from lecturers?No
The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module? Yes, as it intoduced differen perspective's and approach of looking at the topic area from an academic stance.
Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea? Yes
Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module? Yes
Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter? Yes
Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2? Undecided as yet
Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend?of course, as being bad is not theori, as its is based on real issues; reality.
Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea?Yes, a good substitute to academic writting.
What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)? I would of prefered a longer assignment, which would of allowed a detailed anayses and point of view of that particular topic.
What have you learned from the module?
What parts of the module have you found most useful and why? N/A
What parts do you think were a waste of time and why?N/A
Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’? Please continue in allowing this course to run.
Thursday, 10 May 2007
Gun Crime

Gun crime is becoming very frequent within are society, which is often reflected in the media. The nature of gun crime in itself is bad, no matter what the motive or reason for doing so. I dont think it can be justifided or corrected once conducted. Gun crime is becoming very common amongsts youths, but what influences them is another question? I believe it is due to the influences such as: videos, computure games, music, peer presure and life style. I find it hard to believe that one would set out with the intention, of ending another persons life. I know sometimes it is acceptable to take the law into your own hards, in order to address an occuring problem; but to kill someone is going too far. In order for gun crime to stop, I believe the government need to get more actively involved. If they put place measures to stop the distrubution on guns getting to the streets, than maybe we would witness a fall.
Tuesday, 8 May 2007

Bullies are most definatly the ones who have the problem with themsleves; but rather than deal with this independly, they result in taking there anger and frustration out on other peoples. The motive behind it, I feel is to make one feel better about themselves as a means of making someone else suffer. However it can be said that bullies dont just act out of there own interst and motive, but also for the benefit of others. Those that continuasly bully are often the ones, who believe they have a reputation to up hold. For some reason Bullies, are frequently respected and feared; which I believe results in people, being less likely to stand up to them and question there behaviour. The conduct of bullying, can be classed as a form of intimidation, control and the projection of ones feeling on to another. Also there are different types of bullying techniques: such as physical and emotional means.
Monday, 7 May 2007

Comments on other blogs
Sharni said...
I agree with what your saying, although i dont believe religion is a mad thing. In some aspects its good, as most types of religion keep people grounded and believing not just in their faith, but also themselves. Although im not religious, im a believer in god. But i too most definatly hate when religion is pushed on to you, as the decision to adapt a religion should soley depend on the individual. Do i believe in religion or science? Im undecided, is impossible to believ in both.05 May 2007 07:45
Sharni said...
You have made some very honest points, in my opinion. The drug industry is a major money making industry, but then why would it not be. Like Lee clearly stated, where there is a high demand there is always money to be made. However I would like to note, that drug dealing shouldn’t be promoted. Why should we allow such service to be conduced with society, when we should really be helping those people and not encouraging it? If drug dealing stopped on the streets, then maybe addicts would more likely go about seeking help. It’s true that drug dealing pays well, but let’s be honest if u add up the amount of hours you have to stay on the streets to get that £10, you might as well have a job; and those who make a lot on a daily basis crnt exactly do anything constructive with it. In my opinion, it’s not worth it; you either end up behind bars, looking over your shoulder the rest of your life or unfortunately on your own supply. The majority of people in my area are dealers and mainly because they want to work for themselves or someone they respect and look up to. However drug dealers are not bad people, there just out for making money like everyone else, by a different means….
Sharni said...
I share the same frame of mind, about swearing. However I think it’s fair to say, those that do swear are often the ones who’s household, allows such words to be exercised. And now within today’s society, it’s not just to be used in the presence of ones home, but also in school and society… It’s true, there are more appropriate words to use, but when one only knows how to do so using swear words, what do you expect. I can recall the days when parents would threaten to wash your mouth out with soap and water for “swearing”, now it’s a common expectation... Where have the boundaries gone? We best not go any furthers………….One may argue its there freedom of expression and we wouldn’t want to violate anyone’s human rights now.
02 May 2007 16:37
Sharni said...
I totally agree with Adonis and where hes took his point of view from. I was also disaplined through out my childhood and as a result have come to learn that every action causes a reaction. As my mum always says "only you are responsible for what you do and nobody else". Adonis's refrence to the notion of fear from a parent, is also correct; it puts forth an authority figure whos job is to correct their childs behaviour. "Learning starts within the home", correcting behaviour within the home will lead to good conduct outside, in a social environment. "Learn to dance a yard before you dance abroad", a Jamaican saying which means the primaray place for learning and correction has to take place in the home in order to conduct themselves in a fashionable manner within society.
02 May 2007 14:17
Sharni said...
I understand where you are coming from, but I still regard self- harm as an act of attention. You stated that those who do so, are trying to say something is wrong. But isn’t it best to verbally tell someone, rather than physically harm yourself. I cannot see how self- harm, can be a means of making yourself feel better, when you have not confronted the problem. My old high school friend use to do this and I put it down to attention seeking; as she would often tell and show everybody what she had done to herself. She got people’s attention and sympathy, and soon became centre of attention. Self- harm is dangerous and irresponsible and a cry for attention. If you are not willing to help yourself face your problems, then how can others help you?
02 May 2007 17:00
Sharni said...
I agree with what your saying, although i dont believe religion is a mad thing. In some aspects its good, as most types of religion keep people grounded and believing not just in their faith, but also themselves. Although im not religious, im a believer in god. But i too most definatly hate when religion is pushed on to you, as the decision to adapt a religion should soley depend on the individual. Do i believe in religion or science? Im undecided, is impossible to believ in both.05 May 2007 07:45
Sharni said...
You have made some very honest points, in my opinion. The drug industry is a major money making industry, but then why would it not be. Like Lee clearly stated, where there is a high demand there is always money to be made. However I would like to note, that drug dealing shouldn’t be promoted. Why should we allow such service to be conduced with society, when we should really be helping those people and not encouraging it? If drug dealing stopped on the streets, then maybe addicts would more likely go about seeking help. It’s true that drug dealing pays well, but let’s be honest if u add up the amount of hours you have to stay on the streets to get that £10, you might as well have a job; and those who make a lot on a daily basis crnt exactly do anything constructive with it. In my opinion, it’s not worth it; you either end up behind bars, looking over your shoulder the rest of your life or unfortunately on your own supply. The majority of people in my area are dealers and mainly because they want to work for themselves or someone they respect and look up to. However drug dealers are not bad people, there just out for making money like everyone else, by a different means….
Sharni said...
I share the same frame of mind, about swearing. However I think it’s fair to say, those that do swear are often the ones who’s household, allows such words to be exercised. And now within today’s society, it’s not just to be used in the presence of ones home, but also in school and society… It’s true, there are more appropriate words to use, but when one only knows how to do so using swear words, what do you expect. I can recall the days when parents would threaten to wash your mouth out with soap and water for “swearing”, now it’s a common expectation... Where have the boundaries gone? We best not go any furthers………….One may argue its there freedom of expression and we wouldn’t want to violate anyone’s human rights now.
02 May 2007 16:37
Sharni said...
I totally agree with Adonis and where hes took his point of view from. I was also disaplined through out my childhood and as a result have come to learn that every action causes a reaction. As my mum always says "only you are responsible for what you do and nobody else". Adonis's refrence to the notion of fear from a parent, is also correct; it puts forth an authority figure whos job is to correct their childs behaviour. "Learning starts within the home", correcting behaviour within the home will lead to good conduct outside, in a social environment. "Learn to dance a yard before you dance abroad", a Jamaican saying which means the primaray place for learning and correction has to take place in the home in order to conduct themselves in a fashionable manner within society.
02 May 2007 14:17
Sharni said...
I understand where you are coming from, but I still regard self- harm as an act of attention. You stated that those who do so, are trying to say something is wrong. But isn’t it best to verbally tell someone, rather than physically harm yourself. I cannot see how self- harm, can be a means of making yourself feel better, when you have not confronted the problem. My old high school friend use to do this and I put it down to attention seeking; as she would often tell and show everybody what she had done to herself. She got people’s attention and sympathy, and soon became centre of attention. Self- harm is dangerous and irresponsible and a cry for attention. If you are not willing to help yourself face your problems, then how can others help you?
02 May 2007 17:00
Saturday, 5 May 2007
Comedy is a means of providing others with laughter, towards jokes that one finds funny or amusing. However the way in which these comedians do so, varies in regards to there individual approach and tack ticks. It is important to notify that what one person may find funny, can be offensive to someone else. The topic in which comedians choose to joke about is widely opend. I think it’s fair to say that, this platform allows people, to poke fun at subjects that are considered taboo in society. What one may be scared to make fun of in society, is allowed to be joked about by comedians. I do strongly feel that comedians often joke about things that are of commen interest to themselves, rather than the interest of the audience. Some people may view there jokes as sexist or racist. However I do believe that comedians don’t intend to cause offence, but in order to make people laugh thay say what everybody least exspects.
Friday, 4 May 2007

I view racism as a mad thing, which leads to segregation and is often driven by ignorance. Although racism is not as evident, as it was in the past, it still unfortunately exists. However I think it fair to say that from identifying people based on ones colour or heritage, follows the assumptions in which one categorises these people. When will the world become a place, where we start looking beyond ones colour and towards acceptance? Where do these influences come from? I think it’s fair to say that the media is the most influential source, which portrays a negative view of people from particular races. Many people still experience verbal and physical abuse as a result of there colour. I find it amusing that people, who chose to be racist towards others, don’t hesitate in experiencing some aspects of those different cultures, such as: an Indian takeaway and going on Caribbean cruises.
Wednesday, 2 May 2007
Bad Manners

If its one thing I cannot stand, its bad manners. I find it very rude, when one chooses not to treat people with respect. I believe those that have good manners and choose to exercise this, are the ones whose parents taught and reinforced them to be manners able. If one doesn’t knows how to use manners towards other people, then how can we have an expectation? Such learning I believe should starts within the home, with parents setting the example, to which one should follow. The recent proposal to introduce manners as a core taught subject in school, I feel is needed. I think it’s important that we use manners and are able to respond appropriately. In my view the term manners, means the same as respect, consideratation and acting in a sensable manner. However others may view manners as a means of pleasing other people. But I think it’s fair to say, that manner’s gets you far in life. “Treat people the way you would like to be treated and in turn you will get the same treatment back”. Wouldn’t you be happy, knowing that your mannerisms have pleased other people too?
Monday, 30 April 2007

I don’t believe smacking is wrong; as I consider it as nothing more than a form of discipline and reinforcement. Those who choose to smack their children, I feel do so as a means of correcting behaviour and ones conduct, as well as making one know what is acceptable and what is not. However I don’t condone extensive smacking such as beating. How are we to teach children boundaries, without awaring them of the consequences which there actions may bring. Therfore if one crosses these boundaries, then I think they need to be disciplined as a way of correction: in this instance done so by the poer of the "hand". "Every action, provokes a reaction". Smacking is a way of managing children’s behaviour, and making them think about what they are doing and if its right, before actually doing it to later find out.
Sunday, 29 April 2007

This 1995 film is about a day in the life of a group of young teens. Although the film is centred on a boy called Telly, who has an obssestion with sex and enjoys taking girl’s virginity. Telly’s actions are soon to affect one of his virgin girls, when she contracts the diseased HIV. The movie provides a scope, into the life of young teenagers growing up in today’s society, but from an unexpected angle. This movie sheds light on related teenage issues such as sex, drugs and peer pressure. I found the film very disturbing to watch, as although it was not explicit, the actions and behaviour of the teengers, acting like real teenagers was enough to make me feel uncomfortable. I believe this film should be aimed at parents to aware them of the kinds of things children can get up to behind close doors. There have been many critisisms about the film, which vary in its review. However, one critic stated that “Kids" is the kind of movie that needs to be talked about afterward", to which I strongly agree.
Friday, 27 April 2007

This is one topic; I can make a stance and say I actually object to. Only in rape situations should this be an exception. I don’t believe that life should be taken away that easy, and yes it may only be a foetus but to me it’s a life…Ive always made my views known, but then the decision lies soley on them. I wouldn’t judge a person for having one, but i dont think it can be justifiable. Im just saying you'll never catch me having one!!! Life is a gift, a gift you are fortunate to have been given; so why would you want to make the decision and end someone elses. I think people need to start tacking responsibilities for there action, and consider the consequences that actions might bring. Abortion is a sin, “it’s the sin I hate, not the sinner”.
Thursday, 26 April 2007

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

This is another dangerous habbit that I feel is becoming very common in society. Although I believe that, the types of people who endure in such habbit has vastly changed, of which is reflected in the media. I have nothing against drug users, as long as its done out of sight and dosent pose a risk to anybody else. Where I live, its very common to pass a drug addict when going about your daily business. I dont paint them all with the same brush, but it not attractive seeing them around, they make the place look un-tidy. If you would of asked me a while back, my perspective of drug addict, i would of called them all waisters who have no purpose to life. However having a relative who is a drug addict has changed this. Not all druggies, become addicts by choice! My relative became an addict due to his dealing in drugs, the saying goes "in order to sell a product, youve got to know what your selling", unfortunatly for him hes now a life depender on drugs. But i love him for who he is, hes still human. I wouldnt condone individuals to exsperiment with drugs, as some exsperiences turns into life long habbits, and a drug habbit is another serious health risk.
Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Monday, 23 April 2007

Wednesday, 28 March 2007
Body Modification

Thursday, 22 March 2007

Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Monday, 19 March 2007

Friday, 16 February 2007

I think stalking becomes just that, when an interest in someone turns into an obsession. Where one goes out of there way, to find out who they are, what they do and why; as a means of becoming armed with enough information, to build a profile of that particular person. Stalking stems from personal interst,but in turn results to feeding ones imagination. Which leads to recourring fantasies about a person, they have a particular like for, for what ever reason. When one devotes there time and energy over observing about a person frequently, is what i consider stalking.
Thursday, 15 February 2007

Is shoplifting any differnet to any other kind of theft? I believe that shoplifting is the same as any other kind of theft, but only when it dosent involve forceful physical measures, inflicted on another person; in approach to gaining someone elses property. However the value of shoplifting items is not that great compared to other thefts. You are restricted to how much you can gain from one shop, as it takes place in opening hours. Why do people who can afford to by things shoplift them instead? I feel that those who can afford to buy the things that they shoplift do so, due to being presented with a window of opportunity. “Why pay for a product, when a chance to take something, without paying is likely to weigh in your favour”. The action of theft can only be carried out, due to the neglection of the shops actions to prevent such opportunity. Theft is a wrongful act which is expressed in law, but the opportunity of theft should be adressed, to prevent such act in the first instance. In order to tackle this, it has to been done barring in mind both the responsibility of the shop, and those that choose to shoplift. I have never shoplifted, personally because I like the feeling, that my own money bought the clothes on my back. However some of my friends have shoplifted purely because they new they could get away with it.
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